Saturday, March 31, 2007
Bloody Tired But I Like ..... Hehehehehe
Slept for just 4 hours today due to me coming home at about 7plus in the morning, was out last night with Andrew, Sharon, Shasha, Zack and Jimmy . Met Andrew and Sharon at Tantrics { for the 1st time they were there 1st hehehehehe } then Jimmy came and asked us if we want to go and check Play out { Play is a new gay club in the area } but Andrew and me was not that keen to go even when we found out that there is no cover charge on that night but Sharon was kinda keen and excited to go so we told them we might just go and have a look later since we are waiting for Shasha and Zack to come down when they finish their movie and Andrew kinda promised Shasha that we will go karaoke after we are done at Tantrics .....
So Jimmy left 1st while we wait for the love - birds to come, then Sharon received an sms from Jimmy saying that Play is empty and he is heading to Taboo { another gay club around the area } so Sharon left to go and meet Jimmy there { last night she was in the mood to party } so left just the 2 of us waiting for the love - birds, oh met Small Andrew { we call him that coz his name is Andrew and he is in the small size department } there and i was kinda shocked to know that he is growing a goatee so i asked him why he say he too lazy to shaved it hehehehehe so when finally the love - birds came we finish our drinks and head down to Taboo and had a few drinks and dance a bit before we left to go to the karaoke place at Orchard Road, sang until 6am { Zack had a very good voice } then after that we went to the Swensen just next to it for breakfast and when home after that, reached home at about 7plus and woke up at about 11plus all thanz to my younger cousin waking me up to help her to write the entry form to go to JB so after that i can sleep so i just chill at home and YES do nothing but sleep { since it was raining just now }
Ok got to go, actually took some pictures last night but kinda lazy to download it to my laptop so i will post it when i download the pictures to my laptop ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
8:30 PM
Labels: Bloody Tired .....
Friday, March 30, 2007
Its Raining .....
Its raining quiet heavy right now over at my side with thunder and lighting too, its been raining for past few days already which is good coz it won't be so hot outside but since its raining I'm stuck indoors right now in which I'm not complaining since i have been staying at home for almost 1 month now, so I'm kinda happy to be staying at home even though its hot or raining hehehehehe .....
Oh been drinking Essence Of Chicken lately all thanz to my mum, she got it for me so that i will not get restless or tired and at least get back my energy and i tell you its not nice at all hehehehe but she already got a pack for me so i have no choice but to drink it everyday and also i had finish with my medications so i don't feel sleepy now since i no need to take it anymore, oh since I'm doing ok now my mum asked me to start to learn how to pray { i was like huh ????? PRAY ????? Hmmmmm when was the last time i pray ????? } so she is going to get some books on how to learn how to pray for me later when she goes out with my dad .....
Ok I'm going to have my shower now, yes i have not shower since i wake up this morning hehehehe too lazy la but not my dearest mum is nagging at me to shower so i have to do what she is asking me to do if not she will keep on nagging at me hehehehehe ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
2:02 PM
Labels: Raining .....
Cloudy Friday .....
Just woke up from a nap, was up at about 8am this morning but when back to sleep after i took my breakfast and medications and now waiting for my mum to cook lunch so i can eat my medications again, it looks like its going to rain soon here, its very cloudy and its getting dark by the minute .....
My next doctor appointment was set for next Tuesday at 340am { lucky its not in the morning like the last appointment i have to be there at 9am } so that's the day when i will get to know when my operations would be held, i just can's wait to get all this over and done with so i can go back to my normal life and start getting a job { god since i got this illness i have been staying at home for like a month plus } and its not fun at all, well most of my friends say that i have been losing weight and i look skinny by the day so i have been eating non - stop since i got nothing to do at home hehehehehe but i still look skinny { i hate it when people tell me I'm skinny } so once I'm done with my operations and i fully recover i will start to eat more, took vitamins, most likely take some weight gainer, start to go back to the gym and ever since I'm sick i have cut down on my drinkings, smoking and clubbing in which I'm kinda proud off, as you should have known from my pasted post that I'm not getting excited whenever the weekends comes anymore, not like last time can't hardly wait for the weekends so that i can go and party and have fun with my best friend hehehehehe
So its Friday today and I'm feeling chilled out in a way, feel like staying at home and just rest and chill with my mum { yes my mum hehehehehe } and play with my neighbour son and the baby my aunt is taking care off so now i think there is a lot of things i can do at home if i think of it hehehehehe, yeah my mum finally finish cooking lunch and she is now going to make some fruit juice for me to drink after i had have my lunch { its great to be sick coz my mum really knows how to take care of me hehehehe } ok got to go and have my lunch now so i will see you guys later if i got any updates ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
12:20 PM
Labels: Cloudy Friday ..... Nice
Fun ..... Finally
Met Gabby on Tuesday before his next flight the next day Dubai / Moscow for 10 days so have to meet him since its kinda long time we have not met, so we meet at Indocine at Wisma and met Miss Jamie and Aly there too .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
8:58 AM
Labels: Lots Of Fun .....
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Tuesday Morning .....
Woke up a bit late today { yeah yeah yeah been waking up so early nowsaday } maybe coz i was talking to my cousin over the phone till about 3am this morning, was gossiping about our other cousins, aunties and uncles { hehehehehe } and while talking to her over the phone i asked her any new and good malay songs and she told me a few { most of them were songs from Indonesian bands } so i download all of it and now I'm listening to it and i might say most of the songs were not bad at all .....
Was on msn with Gabby last night and he asked me meet for him for lunch today so now waiting for him to sms or call me to confirm where and what time to meet coz he is still sleeping right now, now I'm having my breakfast follow by my medications and I'm going to rest a bit since I'm going out later so i will update more later maybe after i got back from meeting Gabby so later ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
10:42 AM
Labels: I'm Going Out .....
Monday, March 26, 2007
So Cute .....
Isn't this cat a cutie ????? Found him lazing and sleeping in front of my house so i decided to take a picture of him since i was on the way out and had my camera with me, the best thing is that this is not the 1st time i saw him outside my house but that time i did not have my camera with me so i got no chance to take its picture ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
3:18 PM
Labels: Cats .....
Is He To Young To Be Gay ?????
Just watched the the next episode of Ugly Betty last night and i have to say the more i watch this show the more I'm liking the boy acting as Justin { he is the nephew of Betty } he is soooo cute and soooo gay, so its a wonder if he is gay in this show ..... If he is gay then he will be the youngest gay characters ever presented in prime time television { its about time hehehehehe }
Well at least we should give him some credit if he is not gay in real life then he is a bloody good actor to play this part, its not that its not easy to play a gay guy but a gay BOY that's needs a lot of research and talent hehehehehe and he is only 12 years old .....
So i think now the only reason I'm watching this show { coz I'm kinda think its like a tv version of The Devil Wears Prada } would be Justin Suarez hehehehehe
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
10:27 AM
Labels: Justin Suarez .....
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Depression Gets Over Me .....
Maybe its just me but I'm starting to feel that I'm all alone in this world, don't know why I'm feeling that but it just did and I'm not liking it at all ..... I think it all started when i 1st got to know that I'm sick i start to get tired and restless easily, kinda losing my appetite, keep on thinking all the bad things { like i feel like dying, all my friends left me etc etc etc } feeling bored at home with nothing to do, feeling all lonely, feeling that there is someone in me telling that i don't have any friends { ever since i got sick } no one to talk too and the worst thing is that i really felt like dying .....
Was i just imagining all this due to my illness or all of this is true that depression is getting over me and that I'm going to die, all my friends have left me and I'm all alone in this world ..... Well i got no one to talk too, all of my friends are to busy with their own thing and i just can't possibly asked them to stop whatever they are doing and meet me and have a good talk over what I'm going through right now and i can't talk to my mum coz if i did she will make it into a big fuss and things will get even worst then its already is now so the only thing t do is just keep it in me and just go with the flow and see whats going to happen next, sometimes when i think about all this it got me thinking, is this a way God is trying to wake me up or he is trying to punish me for all the sins i have done buy making me ill and all this thoughts that I'm having right now, i can bet if i tell all this to my anyone they will tell me that I'm just making it up or maybe coz I'm sick and been staying at home too long that's why i start to think all this { but i just can't help it }
Ok then i got to go, going to shower and have my breakfast and then my medications and back to more sleep and rest which i have been doing for the past 4 weeks already so will update later ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
11:10 AM
Labels: Am I Getting Mad ?????
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Saturday, 24th March, 1235pm, 2007
Well yet another Saturday comes by and just that i felt that slowly but surely I'm getting the feeling that I'm not kinda excited when the weekend comes coz in previous times i will get excited when weekend comes coz its time to party and go wild and get drunk but now I'm like kinda like staying at home and just chill and rest { maybe i stay at home to much already that's why hehehehehehe } kinda missed going out no doubt about it but maybe its due that now Andrew is working office hours { coz when he was working on shift work we still can go out on the weekdays } and Gabby too busy with his flights and I'm getting sick so i think that's the reason which I'm ok with { i think hehehehe }
So what's my plan for today ????? Well i guess I'm going to stay at home and get more rest since i was out the whole day yesterday but we shall see if anything comes up later, maybe i will meet up with my cousin for coffee or maybe meet up with Gabby { he is sleeping now coz he just got back from his flight this morning } so lets see later ..... Did not get that much pictures yesterday so thought of going to take some if I'm going out later but at least i got took a picture of Alen { he is so cute in that white robe he wore at the Coffee Presentations yesterday } which i had post it on my blog so go and look and tell me if you think he is cute { hint hint hint Gabby hehehehehe }
Ok got to go and have my shower now so i will be back later to update more and maybe more pictures too ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
12:35 PM
Labels: Saturday .....
Kinda Disappointing .....
Was at Starbucks Bugis Village for their 4th Coffee Presentations and was i in for a kinda disappointing show, its Brandon, Alen { he is the boy in that white thingy so cute right ? } Izyan and Sharifa { that's them in the picture below } for got to take a picture of Brandon since he was not there most of the time hehehehehe .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
2:07 AM
Labels: Hmmmmmmmmm .....
Friday, March 23, 2007
Finally I Got My Drink .....
Finally after waiting for so long i finally got my Starbucks drinks, I'm now at the new outlet at The Ogilvy just beside Lau Pa Sat and i just got to know that Ridzwan is the store manager here so at least i know someone hehehehehe, now I'm having my Java Chip Frappe while i wait for Dick to finish work and meet me here and together we will go down to Starbucks Bugis Village for their Coffee Presentation, well the new outlet kinda small but cozy nothing much but i think there is something wrong with their air - con coz its kinda hot in here but everything is ok { they got a lot of pastries left lor } wanted to take some pictures but too scared later the partner will give me that kinda look { if you know what i mean } so i shall wait for Dick to come and let him do it for me hehehehehe
Andrew just sms me saying that Sheri had invited us to her birthday party later at Bar None but we are not confirm if we are going all up to Andrew { if he going then i will go } have not meet Sheri for a long time already, not sure is she as crazy as the last time when we all hang out and party together hehehehehe well those were the days and lets hope she is still the same { i think i know her longer then i know Andrew } when we both were working at Paulaner Brauhous at Wheellock Place { god that's donkey years ago }
Just sms Dick not to be late and he told me that it took 5 minutes for him to reach here from his working place and lets hope that's true coz i hate waiting for people, lets hope nothing is going to happen to me coz i really sick and tired of staying at home and my mum told me if anything happen i have to go home straight so keeping my fingers cross, maybe will have dinner 1st before we go down to Bugis Village coz I'm starting to get hungry again even though i eat something before i went out just now .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
5:48 PM
Labels: Starbucks The Ogilvy .....
Starbucks Invation .....
Its finally here the day that i can finally go out, today is the day I'm going down to Starbucks Bugis Village for their Coffee Presentation { and finally getting my Starbucks drinks that i have been craving for soooooo long } but before heading down there im going to meet Dick at the new Starbucks outlet at The Ogilvy not sure where it is but he told me its near Lau Pa Sat so its not that hard to find it, maybe i will get my drinks there while waiting for him { he works around there } and i can take some pictures of the new outlet and i will post the pictures on my blog soon .....
Ok will update soon when I'm at the new outlet so seeya ..... ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
11:20 AM
Labels: Here I Come .....
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Janice Dickerson Rulezzzzz .....
Found out that channel 5 is showing The Janice Dickerson Modelling Agency soon, was kinda shocked that they are actually showing it here since its kinda raw, open - minded, bitchy and crazy { well you are talking about the Diva herself here } and thank you channel 5 for showing it and the rest of the shows they are showing right now like Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, Prison Break, The Amazing Race and Survivor and those they are going to show soon like Grey's Anatomy and of coz The Janice Dickerson Modelling Agency { can't wait to watch it even though i had watched it from }
Was feeling sleepy the whole day today and I'm still feeling sleepy but try not to sleep yet coz I'm kinda not ready to sleep yet, Andrew is online now watching " Heroes " on and as for me, I'm downloading Beyonce's new single " Beautiful Liar " featuring Shakira, saw the MTV { which i had posted it on my blog } and the song kinda catchy a combinations of RnB and Latin mix together so if you want to listen to it just click it in my blog ..... Yeah finally I'm done downloading the song hehehehehe, so im still looking and searching of other new songs to download { most of my friends call me the download king hehehehe }
Saw a friend blog and got to know that he wished that he is gay since most guys is kinda hitting on him and No girls is doing that to him { poor thing la he } well i think he will be a good looking gay and if i bring him to a gay club or pub there will be a few gay guys will make a pass on him hehehehehe { maybe i will bring him and let him feel and see how we gays party } will talk about this tomorrow when i meet him at the Coffee Presentation at Starbucks Bugis Village which i can't hardly wait coz im dying for a Starbucks drinks since the day i fell sick and can't go out ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
10:47 PM
Labels: Thursday .....
Beyonce feat Shakira - Beautiful Liar
Wow ..... Beyonce teaming up with Shakira ..... Very nice indeed and love the song and love the mtv too ..... Enjoy
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
1:44 PM
Finally ..... Hehehe
Finally i got my Oreo MacFlurry yesterday, drag myself to go all the way to my nearest MacDonald's { its like 10 minutes from my place } so the only thing now is my Starbucks drink that i had been craving like 4 weeks now and I'm going to get it tomorrow when i will be attending their Coffee Presentations .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
9:20 AM
Labels: MacDonald's .....
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Boring Day Yet Again / The Dance Floor .....
Yet another boring day for me, was thinking of going out since its not raining but was kinda lazy to do so and i actually don't know where to go too so i guess I'm going to stay at home yet again and do nothing but rest, rest and more rest ..... :)
Well maybe i will go to my nearby MacDonald's to get my Oreo MacFlurry which i had been craving ever since 3 days ago hehehehehe, just had my regular breakfast of toasts and hot Milo and now sitting beside my window writing this post and thinking should i go for my shower after this { kinda lazy to shower hehehehehe } kinda lonely recently, have not been contacting or smsing Andrew for nearly 3 days now { well guess he is too busy with his new work } Jaslyn is busy with her new job too but at least we get to msn whenever she is free and Gabby is flying to Amritsar today and the rest I'm not sure what they are doing
Oh today got The Dance Floor { don't know why they need a full week of voting for ????? } the reason I'm watching it in the 1st place is that 1 of my friends is in the top 10 { she is Yanni from the group Soul Fusion } we used to dance at the same dance school not too long ago so if not of her i won't even watch this show coz the hosts are damn bloody boring, who in their mind would cast The Flying Dutchman as a host { this show is supposed to be hip, cool, hype and groovy which he is not } and as for Jade Seah, it does not mean that you are pretty that mean you look good on tv or you can be a great host { please there are even others who is not pretty but they can host well } and last but not the very least there is Glen Ong, hmmmmmm where should i start with this guy ?????
Ok got to go now, mum nagging at me to have my shower so i will see you guys later then .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
11:30 AM
Labels: Sian .....
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Oh I So Missed You .....
Woke up this morning with the craving for any Starbucks drinks, I'm not sure the craving due to my illness or is just that its been a long time since i had one { have not been going out lately } so i think to myself i will finally drag myself to the nearest Starbucks to get my Ice Chocolate, Ice Vanilla Latte, Java Chip Frappe or a hot Mocha but my plans fell through when it start to rain so heavy here, so not Starbucks drinks for me today { sob sob sob sob } well i guess i have to wait till Friday when i will be attending Starbucks Bugis Village Coffee Presentation to get my drinks { not sure i can wait that long hehehehe } oh not only im like craving for a Starbucks drinks, I'm craving for MacDonald's Oreo MacFlurry hehehehehe
Oh i missed Desperate Housewives and Nip/Tuck last night due to my medications which makes me drowsy and sleepy after few minutes of taking them { god been missing a lot of my favourite show because of this } oh i missed Ugly Betty too ..... So from now onwards i will take my medications right after i watched all of this show, oh channel 5 have started to show the trailer of Grey's Anatomy Season 3 { can't wait for that to be shown }
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
10:50 AM
Labels: Give it To Me .....
Monday, March 19, 2007
Late Lunch .....
Just had my lunch { had a late lunch coz i kinda got no appetite } and just took my medications and any minute i will get sleepy and just fall asleep, oh my neighbour son was here just now so played with him for a while { he is so cute }
Wanted to go to Starbucks Bukit Panjang but kinda lazy even tho there is 1 straight bus from my place and also the weather is kinda hot today so decided to stay at home { will get my Starbucks drinks this Friday when I'm at Starbucks Bugis Village for their Coffee Presentation } my mum is nagging at me at the moment coz im smoking { she ask me not to smoke since I'm not feeling well at the moment } but its been like 2 weeks that i did not smoke where can tahan hehehehehe ..... Oh wanted to take new pictures for my profile since last week but still have not take a single one yet coz don't know what to wear, where to take and kinda lazy also hehehehehe, but i will take it one of this days coz i promised someone that i will take some new pictures of me hehehehehehe
Ok got to go now coz I'm getting sleepy already so its sleeping time for me so i see you all later when i get up later and will update more post if i go any ..... ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
4:07 PM
Labels: Sleepyyyyyyyy .....
Weekend Suck .....
It was a boring weekend for me, stayed at home and doing nothing ..... Andrew asked me out on both nights { Friday and Saturday } but i said no coz my mum don't allowed me to go out yet coz she scared something might happen to me ..... Well i did some cleaning, ironing and re-decorating to my room { actually it still look the same hehehehe } god i did not know that i got a pile of clothes to iron, it took me like nearly 1 hour to finish all of it and after that i was so tired that i crash straight to my bed and sleep .....
Yesterday my aunt's, uncle's, my grandmum and my cousin's was here so at least i was not that bored coz of my younger cousin's playing roller-blading and making a lot of noise while me and my other cousin's sitting around watching Phantom Of The Opera and chat about where they went clubbing on the weekend, some of them went to M.O.S, some Club MoMo and some Zouk and when they asked me i told them i was at home and they can't believe that i stayed at home on a weekend night hehehehehe
Slept at about 10pm after they all got back home and woke up at about 11am this morning. now waiting for my breakfast of toasts and hot Milo { from now on i will try to have all my meals which is breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper everyday } so i think i can do it since I'm going to be at home for the rest of the week until its time for my operation in 2 weeks time ..... Ever since I'm at home i kinda missed going down to Starbucks Bugis Village to chill with the partners there, maybe i will go down this Friday coz they are having yet another Coffee Presentation .....
Ok my breakfast is ready so i will be back later for more updates ..... ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
11:30 AM
Labels: Weekend ?????
Sunday, March 18, 2007
So Retro .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
1:05 PM
Labels: Grovvy Baby .....
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Me Cooking .....
Well since nowsaday i keep on waking up early so for today i decided to help my mum to cook ..... Yeah some of you out there might be wondering { Ryan knows how to cook ????? } of coz i do but not that very good la just some simple dishes here and there, like for today i decided to cook Sambal Chicken Rice { its chicken rice with red sambal chicken sauce } hope it taste nicer then my mum's hehehehehe
So what's my plan for today ????? Think i will bring my younger cousin that stay just 2 doors away from me out since its the school holidays now { always would bring her out if its the school holidays } and maybe i can take some good pictures today { need new pictures for my profiles } but all that depends on how im feeling later .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
9:52 AM
Labels: Chicken Rice .....
Friday, March 16, 2007
720pm Friday Night .....
Its 720pm and I'm waiting for my mum to finish cooking dinner { so bloody hungry now } so while i wait i decided to go online and see what i can do or surf or chat or whatever i can find, wah the smell of my mum's cooking is killing me and guess what ????? She just told me that we have to wait for my dad to come back from work then we can have dinner { my dad is on the way home right not so not so bad } but I'm so bloody hungry i don't think i can wait any longer, I'm so hungry i can eat a cow { that's not true la hehehehehehe }
Chatting with Andrew right now, he is still in the office chilling out with his office's staffs ..... Been sleeping the whole day just now { must be the medication } Andrew just asked me to go for a drink at Alley Bar if I'm in town right now and now I'm chatting with Gabby about my so called problems .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
7:20 PM
Labels: 720pm .....
It's Friday ..... It's Friday .....
Gosh how time flies so fast, just last Friday i met up with Andrew, Nikki, Fahmi, Shasha and Zac at Tantrics and now it's Friday yet again, is it me or is it like it's going to the end of the world where time goes so fast you won't even noticed it ..... Well i had decided to stay at home and get lot's of rest coz after i had the scanning last Monday i get restless and tired very fast { don't know why maybe my system still have not digest yet after no solid food for 2 days }
Gabby asked me out last night but i can't coz of this so stayed at home and watched tv which in the 1st place there is nothing to watched { missed those days when i have cable } so i decided to sleep early last night { which i have been doing for the past few weeks now } now i got nothing to do, just had my lunch and my medications and now just listening to some music from my iTunes, talk about music, been trying to download some Indonesian songs but i can't so pissed off with that coz i really like those few songs ..... Oh was kinda shocked to know that Rob and Amber was out of the race { did not watched it coz of the scanning and was too tired to watched the encore the following night } well now the rest of the teams are very happy that they are no long in the race coz most of the teams don't like them .....
Oh my dad got me a new web cam last night, was kinda surprised that he bought it for me when i just told him that my old one is no longer in working the night before, so now at least i can continue chatting and video conference at the same time with all my friends hehehehehe
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
12:36 PM
Labels: Its Friday ..... So What ?????
Coke - Happiness Factory
Love the new Coke Commercial so its right for me to post it on my blog hehehehe hope you guys like it as i like it very much ..... Cheers
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
12:11 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
BrokeBack Mountain .....
Just finish watching Brokeback Mountain for the 4th time and i still liking it { still can't believe that it lost to Crash for the Best Picture in last year Oscar but that was last year let's not talk about it anymore la } but at least Ang Lee won the Best Director award .....
Well some of my friends tot this movie was kinda slow and boring but that's the thing about this movie, it makes you want to pay more attention to know the movie and the part where Heathe went to Jake's place at he end of the show and found out that Jake kept the shirt and he just cry { this is my favourite scene and i cry too }
Ok that's all for now ..... Cheers
P/S : will post the pictures i took went i went out with Allen 2 days ago soon
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
6:26 PM
Labels: Gay Rulzzzzz
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Feeling Down .....
Was feeling kinda down last night, its just one of those days when suddenly you feel that one of your closed friends is not showing any concern to you at all. Talk and sms Allen and Jaslyn about this and both said the same thing { that he is busy with his new job and I'm being paranoid and sensitive } well maybe i am but i just can't help thinking about it and the more i think about it the more angry, sad and confused i get and wondering what i did this time or did i say something wrong or did until this thing is happening to us ?????
Meeting Allen later today to chill and do some catching up, waiting for her to confirm the time tho coz she have to meet her flight supervisor for a while at the airport so now waiting. Just read and msn with Jaslyn and got to found out that she fell at her working place yesterday { so poor thing and girl be more careful next time ok ????? }
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
9:34 AM
Labels: Down, Im Going Down
Monday, March 12, 2007
Back From Scanning .....
well just got back from telescopic scanning and boy was i scared, they find my veins too small and its hard to find a vain so they can inject sedation, they try twice on my right arm but both cant so the doctor try on my left arm and lucky for them and me it works then its finally time to do the scanning .....
Well it does not hurt a bit when they poked the telescope on me and i actually can see from the monitor whats going on hehehehehehe and it took only like 15 minutes and I'm out of the room and to the recovery room to rest and sleep but i was so wide awake until the nurse was shocked tat I'm not sleepy yet or worst still not sleepy at all so coz of that she sent me back to the day ward where the other nurse gave me some drinks and bread to eat and my medications and after that I'm on my home already and oh ya the 1st thing i ask the nurse was can i start to eat meat, vegs etc etc and she say YES and now I'm at home having my favourite Big Mac Meal hehehehehe and i told my mum to cook fried chicken, some meat, sotong in black sauce and kang kong for me to eat hehehehehe
Ok i got to go to enjoy my Big Mac so i update later .....
P/S : As what the doctor said i might not need to go for the operation if the infections clear off within this 3 weeks so lets pray hard that i don't need to hehehehehe
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
1:08 PM
Labels: Scanning Over .....
Sunday, March 11, 2007
No Food Today .....
Today is the day before my telescopic scan tomorrow, so today im not allow to eat any meat, vegs, fruits, milk, butter and all those stuffs so had plain warm water and plain bread for breakfast and for lunch just plain congee { yukes yukes yukes yukes } and later have to drink like 2 liters of water some more .....
So i have to stay at home and have a good rest .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
2:53 PM
Labels: Bad Day Again .....
Saturday, March 10, 2007
What A Long Night It Was .....
Nikki, Andrew, Me, Shasha And Fahmi at Tantrics .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
3:30 PM
Labels: Long Night Out .....
Thursday, March 8, 2007
7.00am, Thursday, March 8, 2007
Woke up at 7am today, god im waking up earlier each day for the past 3 weeks now and i don't know why, well maybe i slept kinda early last night thats why im up so bloody early today or maybe its just me getting up early hehehehe { and im not enjoying it at all }
Going to meet a friend at City Hall at about 1130pm later to get some stuffs from him and then going to town to do some light shopping, maybe going to buy new trunks { hehehehehe } or shorts or just doing some window shopping ..... Well it looks kinda cloudy over at my side, it may going to rain soon n let's hope not coz i hate to bring along an umbrella and i don't like going out when its raining too .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
8:07 AM
Labels: Thursday Morning .....
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
S Club 7 - Never Had A Dream Come True
Used to love this song so much, so i have to got to post it at my blog ..... Enjoy
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
4:02 PM
Next Week .....
Just got back from my check-up by a specialist doctor from Alexandra Hospital about my health problem and boy it was kinda unpleasant one, so after all that he had set a date for my operation which is next Monday the 12th of march coz he can't do it today coz i have to do some cleaning up at my side ..... So i got yet another week to rot at home and do everything and eat whatever i want coz from this coming Sunday i have to got for a diet to prepare for the operation the next day { no milk, butter, meat, veg, fruits and the best food i can eat would be congee { don't like } hehehehehe }
Ok la I'm going to sleep now, woke up at 7am this morning to go to the hospital since I'm appointment was at 910am ..... Later
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
12:47 PM
Labels: Tired .....
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Been staying at home for more then 2 weeks already and tomorrow would be the day i will find out whether i had to had a minor operations or not coz tomorrow is my doctor's check-up appointment at Alexandra Hospital, so let's hope that i don't need to go for that operation but my family doctor had told me earlier that i have to go for the operation to stop the flowing of the substance so it's a confirm thing that i have to go for the operation ..... To think about it, I'm kinda hoping that i would have to go for the operation but who am i kidding here, well i just have to go tomorrow and just wait for the doctor to tell me that there is something wrong there and you had to go for an operation to fix it .....
Just got to listen to this new single called " Give It To Me " by Timberland Feat Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake and i just fall in love with it, its so nice, catchy and groovy and of coz once i heard it on the radio i quickly go and download it and now i keep on playing the song and i intro that song to Jaslyn, don't know whether she going to like it as much as i like it { but at least she likes Nelly Furtado } oh and she asked me if i got the uncensored version of Justin Timberlake's " SexyBack " which i don't have so now im helping her download { don't know why she like want the uncensored version lor hehehehe } by the way i went to the library yesterday to borrow Harry Potter's book but sadly they only have the latest one which is Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince, thought that since I'm going for an operation i got the time to do some reading since i will be staying at home for most of the times, ok got to go now have to shower and going out to get some stuff ..... Later
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
2:39 PM
Labels: Bored Day .....
Monday, March 5, 2007
100th .....
Gosh i just noticed that i just posted my 100th post, god that fast ????? hehehehehe
Well i ain't going to stop there, you will see more post posted and i don't care if other's find what i wrote is rubbish or not that interesting, as long i like what i wrote that's all matters to me and its like this is my blog i can do or write whatever i want .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
7:27 PM
Labels: 100th .....
Ungu - Andai Ku Tahu
Well this is the song that i mention on my previous post about asking god for forgiveness and asking god to prolong his life so he can change ..... sorry its a malay song .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
1:36 PM
Cry Baby .....
Just watched this old movie called " Cry Baby " starring the ever so young Johnny Depp, its about this guy played by Johnny Depp that can only cry on his left eye only { so cute } I'm not sure when this movie was made but i still remember the 1st time i watched this movie and make me sit and watch it without going anywhere { hehehehehe } the movie is like Grease { that kinda of era }
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
1:14 PM
Labels: Cry Baby .....
2 Thumbs Up .....
Just watched the 1st episode of Ugly Betty and i really enjoy it, its just remind me a bit of The Devil Wears Prada but after everything i still like it and my favourite character's would be the nephew { gay in the making lor hehehehehe } so now Ugly Betty is done next would be the season 3 of desperate housewives later in the evening hehehehehe
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
12:05 AM
Labels: Funny Betty .....
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Ugly Is The New Beauty .....
Finally its here, tonight channel 5 is showing the 1st episode of Ugly Betty, been waiting for so long for the time channel 5 to show it and now finally its here ..... Been wanting to watch it ever since i got to know about this show when i was watching The Golden Globes Awards which it won Best Comedy Series and Best Actress In A Comedy Role for America Ferrera so " ugly is the new beauty " for the year 2007 .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
5:13 PM
Labels: Ugly Betty .....
Dixie Chicks - Not Ready To Make Nice
What a great song from Dixie Chicks, no wonder they won all the major awards at the recent Grammy Awards ..... Love this song .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
11:23 AM
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Ghost Rider .....
Just watched Ghost Rider and i might say that the movie is way cool even tho i don't like Nicholas Cage but i really enjoy the whole movie and is it me or he look younger in this movie hehehehe ..... So now that i had watched Norbit and Ghost Rider next in line would be Dreamgirls { yes i still have not seen Dreamgirls yet }
Well its a Saturday night and I'm staying at ho me yet again, when was the last time i went out and party on a weekend ????? That would be on the eve of CNY, yeah that's the night where i went out with Andrew and Sharon to Tantrics but it was so packed that we decided to leave the place after just 1 jug and went to karaoke till like 5am in the morning ..... Oh my check-up is set on the 7th of March which is this coming Wednesday, kinda scared but i think i know whats the outcome so I'm kinda prepare for the worst { the worst would be i had to undergo a minor operations }
Ok got to go and shower coz my mum is nagging for me to shower so we can have dinner together { wah its been a long time that we had a family dinner lor hehehehe }
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
8:32 PM
Labels: Saturday Night
One More Day .....
1 more day to Ugly Betty showing on channel 5 and 2 more days to season 3 of Desperate Housewives, can't wait for both of this show to be shown here on channel 5. Well even tho i can watch both of this show on but i just refuse not too coz i know channel 5 is going to show it soon so i tell myself to wait till it shown here coz later if i go and watch it on then when finally channel 5 showing it here then it won't be that exciting coz i would have known what is going on and that's not fun and still waiting for season 3 of Grey's Anatomy too .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
1:44 PM
Labels: Yeah .....
Friday, March 2, 2007
Not That Funny .....
Well finally got to watched Norbit and i might say that its not that funny but its entertaining, did laugh a bit but its kinda boring and lame at some points, but at least Eddie Murphy still have it, he is great in this kind of movie and too bad he did not win his Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his brilliant performance in Dreamgirls to that old guy from Little Miss Sunshine whom i can't remember his name hehehehe maybe he is too old for me to know him at the 1st place, so the next movie that I'm going to watch would be Ghost Rider even tho i don't like Nicholas Cage but i just want to see that movie coz saw the trailer and it looks good and kinda fun hehehehehe
Have not been going out lately and have not been going down to Starbucks Bugis Village, miss all the partners there. Well i go and visit them soon coz now I'm kinda down lately, was supposed to meet them yesterday for dinner but last minute my mum told me that we are going to my grand mum's place for dinner so had to cancel on them last night and was supposed to meet a friend to watch Ghost Rider today and follow by a seafood dinner at newton but yet again had to cancel it coz I'm not feeling that well today { been craving to have seafood at newton for a long time sob sob sob }
Ok la had to go to have my lunch and back to rest, will update later if i got something interesting to post......cheers
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
1:15 PM
Labels: Norbit ?????
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Rain, Rain And More Rain .....
Its been raining none stop here since yesterday afternoon and its kinda pissed me off a bit coz i can't go out since i don't like to bring an umbrella along hehehehe but its kinda nice to lazing around in my bed with this cool and cozy wheather { if you got someone next to you to hug and cuddle that would be better hehehehe }
Ok going for my lunch now and after that going to watch some movies or go back to sleep hehehehe
Later ...................
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
1:25 PM
Labels: Rain Again