My Tribute To Christina Aguilera
Here's to Christina Aguilera, welcome to Singapore hehehehehehe
Here's to Christina Aguilera, welcome to Singapore hehehehehehe
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
4:36 PM
Today i woke up and was feeling rather good about myself, make myself breakfast and just sit at my living room and just think what i have done all this years and what I'm going to do in the near future ..... Looking back at all those years i found out that i have done nothing to prepare myself for what i have become right now and i feel a bit of regret but there is no used crying over spill milk right ????? So now its time for me to think about my future, what i want to do and what i want to become of myself, i think i had enough fun all this years { partying, clubbing, drinking etc etc etc } its about time for to me settle down and get well soon so that i can go out and look for a job and start to save some money and to spend more time with my family cause i had not been doing that for a very long long long time and this time when I'm sick they are the one's that are there for me { well all of you can say that's what parent's are for } YES !!!!! They are there for mental and physical support but sometimes you need friends for some moral and a listening ear's and ever since i got really sick the only one's that i have talk to about my illness and what I'm feeling about all this was Theresa { OK we chatted on MSN cause she is working in Shanghai at the moment but at least she make the effort } and Gabby ..... Thanz guyz
Lucky for me that my illness is not that in the critical stage { thank god for that and thank god that all my rashes are all gone } at least i don't have to be always lay down on my bed and do nothing, at least i can walk, go to the Internet and now i can go out and buy things without my parents getting worried ..... So to Therasa and Gabby i would like to say a BIG Thank You to both of you for kinda there for me and listening to me Thank You { i thought i got more then just 2 friends but i guess i was wrong huh ????? } but 2 is better then nothing right ?????
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
10:03 AM
Labels: Thank You .....
Is Nip/Tuck becoming a gay show soon cause by looking at this scene and some scene i have look in Youtube it's very likely this show is hehehehehe
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
9:15 AM
I was laughing till i almost fell of my chair hehehehehe
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
9:54 AM
Finally they make a real life action movie of Transformers ..... I used to play with the toys { used to have quiet a few of them } when i was very young and it took them so many years to do it but im happy that its finally here and can't wait to go and watch it .....
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
9:32 AM
Finally my favourite Destiny Child's member Miss Kelly Rowland had just released her new album called " Ms. Kelly " and from that new album comes her brand new single called " Like This " and Im Loving It ..... You Go Girl !!!!!
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
8:58 AM
Today i got up early again but cause i have to go for my check - up later, its been 2 weeks now since i took my medications for my illness and now i have to go back for my check - up and get more medications ..... Its like just yesterday i when for my 1st appointment and now its my 2nd, how time fly this days { don't that make you scared ????? } by the way i was told that i can't fast in the fasting month that is coming due to my illness and cause i have to take my medications regularly, when i was told about that i felt kinda sad and disappointed { if i was told this few moths ago when i was not sick and living a healthy life i would be the happiest gay in the world hehehehehe } oh later when I'm at the hospital for my check - up they going to take yet again some blood from me { god how much more blood they need from me ????? ever since i got sick and ever since i got in to the hospital i think they have took like more then 20 bottles of blood from me and if this continue i will have no more blood to give them next time hehehehehehe }
OK got to go and get ready to go for my check - up now so i will update later when i got back from the hospital ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
8:20 AM
Labels: What's Up Doc ?????
So cool and funny this video ..... The monkeys is so cute hehehehehe
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
10:19 AM
Sometimes in life you have to go through something bad or something that suddenly make you wake up or think that what you think about things or someone you thought was someone you hate is the one that will be there for you when you are in need or down, that's what happen to cause ever since i was young my relationship with my step-dad was like not like a regular dad-son thingy, we don't talk to each other that much, we don't like watched TV in the living room together, had dinner together and even go out as a family and that goes on till now, now its like i don't see that often when i was working its like i wake up he already off to work and when he got back I'm not at home { its like I'm at work or I'm out } and that kinda show to most of my cousins cause they notice there is like a gap between the both of us .....
But that all changed now, ever since i got sick he was there for me all the way and even when i told him about my illness he just sit there and smile and told me not to worry cause everything is going to be fine, when i got home from the hospital i can't walk normally, need a lot of attentions and i don't know why when ever i got sick i always had this craving for food that i long time never eat or something that come cross my mind and i told him that he and he will go out or after work he will get it for me or when he is at home he will bring me out to get it, i have to stay and rest at home for about 5 months and he knows i get bored very easy so some days he will bring me and my mum out for a ride cause the stage I'm in right now I'm not allow to go out to crowded places for the time being and i can't walk far cause i will get tired very fast so he just took us for a ride so that i won't be stuck at home all day ..... I can say that my relationship with my step-dad is getting better now, we watched TV as a family now, had dinner together and we make jokes at each other and my mum was so happy that this is happening cause she knows that from young i kinda don't like my step-dad and she knows the relationship we had had for almost like forever and I'm kinda actually happy that this happen cause now i know that he actually love me even though he had a different way of showing it .....
So to my step-dad i want to say that I'm sorry for all the wrong things and the bad things i had said to you and i would like to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart for everything you had done for me { to my mum too } and i hope that from now on our relationship will get stronger and hope it will last forever ..... Love you dad
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
10:26 AM
Labels: My Step - Dad .....
Guess who is coming to town ????? Yes it's none other that the royal slut herself Christina Aguilera ..... Too bad i kinda want to go and see her live but guess i will not be seeing her real soon ..... hehehehe
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
9:53 AM
Up early yet again and this i was up at 530am and i still now i don't feel sleepy at all { maybe later in the day i hope hehehehe } looks like its going to be a beautiful day today, it looks kinda cloudy outside but sometime its just for a while and later in the day it will be damn hot but let's hope it won't be that hot today .....
Got hook on the new Chinese drama on channel 8 " Kinship " at 7pm everyday weekdays, it was said the mega drama of this year since it boost most of channel 8's popular actor's and actress's like Jessica Liu, Xiang Yun, Darren Lim, Ann Kwok and of cause there is Edwin Ng { he is such a cutie and a hottie } but since i watched this show from the very beginning i found out that Edwin Ng actually can't act for nut's but so what ????? As long he is cute and have a great body { saw a but of it while he was changing in the show hehehehehe } and actually i think character that Darren Lim play does not suit him at allbut there is always a 1st in everything and lastly what's with Ann Kwok's hair cut ????? There is also going to show a new Chinese drama on channel 8 call " Switched " starring Fann Wong, Jeannette Aw and 2 more cuties and hotties Julian Hee and Shawn Chen, going to watch it even though i don't like Fann Wong { never wathced her show } just because of Julian Hee and of cause Shawn Chen hehehehehe ..... By the way channel 5 is going to show the new season of " Lost " boring, never like and never watched it at all and i don't get it why many people out there LOVE this show so much its like to me just get lost like whats the title of this show " Lost " hehehehehehe
OK got to go now, going to have my breakfast ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
7:47 AM
Labels: Watched It .....
Used to kinda don't like this song but as times goes by it really hit on me and now its one of my favourite songs at the moment and i always thought that the lead singer Adam Levine is so damn hot and sexy ..... hehehehehe
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
9:55 AM
Woke up at 630am just now, took my breakfast and now just killing my time to take my medications at 9am later, as i had already mention on my previous post that ever since i got sick i have been waking up early in the morning, got 1 day i woke up at about 5am and did not go back to sleep the whole day and i don't feel tired or sleepy .....
Had a kinda good chat with my best girl-friend Theresa 2 days ago on msn { she try to call my house phone but somehow she can't get through } told her what i was taking in the illness that i have and the fact that all my so called friends just kinda shut me down when they got to know that I'm sick { they told me that they will be there for me and support me when they found out but till now none of them even sms me asking me how i was doing so much for friends huh ????? } and she was kinda shocked at 1st and just told me that they don't deserve to be my friends if they are doing this to me and i think she is right so from that day i won't call, sms or even msn them, if they want to know how i was doing then they have to ask me not me .....
Ok let's talk more about Theresa, she is now working in Shanghai at the moment, she just moved there about few days ago if I'm not wrong, she used to work in London before she moved to Shanghai ..... I have known Theresa for like more then 7 years when both of us used to work at Starbuck's Causeway Point and then Starbuck's Orchard Building where she was a shift manager and i was just a full-timer, actually i kinda don't like her at first { well most of the partner's at Starbuck's Causeway Point felt the same too when she got transfer there } but as time goes by we all get closed and all of us can get along very well until that we all used to see the manager's schedule to see when and what shift she is working so we can have the same shift with her cause working with her is like working in a mad house, we always make jokes, always make fun at this one partner who thinks he knows everything, make fun of the customers { names and their child hehehehe } but i think among all of them i think I'm the one that is closed to her cause we had lots in common like that time we were like crazy over Britney Spears and we both hate Christina Aguilera { we kinda like her at first but when she won the Grammy for Best New Artist and not our Britney Spears we kinda don't like her anymore, Theresa even throw away her Christina's cd hehehehehe } and we both like to dance so we join this dance school and we had a blast dancing and making fun to the new " kids " until our dance instructor chase us out hehehehehe .....
Then when we got to know that she had to be transfer to Starbuck's Orchard Point most of us were kinda sad but what to do that's the life of being a manager in Starbuck { you won't stay in an outlet forever } but lucky for me i was being transfer there too cause over there then need full-timers so i followed and we turn that so called dead and dull place to a mad house all over again, the thing is i found out that where ever she go, she will be like cause i think she is a fun, cheerful, friendly, honest and crazy kinda of a person ..... Well as they always said good things don't last forever, one day she told us that she had decided to go continue her studies in Australia so it was kinda sad for all of us, to me everything we both had done together had just flushed away, we all stayed at her placed the day before she had to leave to Australia the next day and we send her to the airport too, we told each other that we won't cry but i just can't help it but just to cry cause to me i was feeling that i just lost a best friend, lucky even though we are not in the same country we still keep in contact and sometimes called each other asking how each of us was doing { she told me what she did there and all the stuffs she learn and she even wrote an essay about me for her Spanish class }
Well to cut the story short, she came back after graduating and work her for some time before her when to London to work and now she is in Shanghai and she just told me that she is coming back next month for her friend's wedding and she PROMISED me to come and visit me { can't wait, missed her so much }
So Theresa if you are reading this i would like to say Thank You for being a friend and always there for me even though you are not here with me, can't wait to meet you when you get back here ..... Missed you and love you Deep Deep ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
8:54 AM
Labels: Theresa .....
My new favourite song at the moment ..... thanz Brandon for intro me this song hehehehehe and welcome back to u ..... :)
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
9:50 AM
Just find this song kinda cool so hope you all like it ..... :)
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
9:30 AM
Its been a 2 weeks now since i got back from the hospital and I'm feeling like its been a year i had been staying at home and do nothing but taking my medications, rest and sleep ..... So i have to do all this for 4 months { yes the doctor order me to stay at home and get lots of rest for 4 months to get back my energy and everything } tell me what i can do at home for 4 months ????? I can die of boredom but lucky i got my laptop and i can surf the net but that sometimes make me bored too but at least there is something rather then not doing nothing at all ..... I actually missed going out like going down to Starbucks at Bugis Village and chill there with the partner's and i missed meeting with my Friend's like Andrew, Fahmi, Gabby, Jaslyn, Chris, Farhana, Dick, Sara and the rest but i have to wait till I'm really fully recover then i can go and meet up with them so till then i have to stay at home for the time being ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
9:50 AM
Labels: 4 months .....
I think i changed ever since i got sick, since i got sick i have cut down a lot of my clubbing, drinking and i have not been smoking for the past 3 months now and I'm not effected by all this at all but i feel great and healthy { like real like that lor hehehehehehe } and i wish to continue with all that cause i think it comes a time when its time for me to repent and think about my future like getting a good job, start to save money again and try to settle down ..... I think its about time to do all this cause I'm not getting younger everyday { how i wish it could be true hehehehehe }
So now i have to rest at home for about 4 months { yes the doctor told me that I'm unfit to work for about 4 months to get back my energy back } so for this 4 months I'm going to think what i want in life, for start i decided to learn how to pray and read the Quran and go with the flow after that .....
Ok got to go now so i see you later ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
9:59 AM
Labels: Hello Now Me .....
Finally I'm back home after my 2nd trip to the hospital, this time round i spend about 5 days there compared to the 1st trip which i had stay for 8 days and i hope that will be the last time i ever step to a hospital and stay there { its so boring and the food suck big time } so now I'm back home i have to rest a lot and take my medications on time cause once i got fever again i have to rush back to the hospital ..... So that's all for now, have to go for my medications and have a short nap ..... Ciao
Posted by
Ryan Azri Adams
10:23 AM
Labels: Ello .....
YoUr OnLiNe MoViE N MuSic CrItIc